Did you know that you can type this URL to get straight to the source
HTML code?
This is very useful to debug modules without affecting what users see.
You can construct debug messages as HTML comments.
Did you know that you can make your link menus more productive for users
by adding keyboard shortcuts and/or tab order? Use HTML attributes accesskey
and tabindex.
<A href="http://www.disgruntled.com/discussions.html" accesskey=w
Did you know that if you have changed to code of a package body but not its header, you should only re-compile the body and leave the header alone. Recompiling the header would invalidate any object that references the package. Re-compiling a package header may invalidate your entire application unnecessarily. Oracle will attempt to revalidate objects when they are required at execution time - the system will still work but it will be very slow for the first user.
Did you know that you can execute your web packages in SQL*Plus for
debugging purposes?
set serverout on
execute myPackage.myStartup
execute owa_util.show_page
Did you know that Oracle's LiveHTML is simply some Perl mixed up with HTML? Just like Microsoft does asp with Visual Basic mixed in with HTML.
Did you know that you can trace the number of network hops that it takes
to get across to another machine? If performance is slow for you web app
and you suspect network performance, try this:
On NT: tracert <base URL>, e.g. tracert www.yahoo.com
On UNIX: traceroute <base URL>, e.g. tracert www.yahoo.com
You should get something like this (the less hops, the better):
Tracing route to www.yahoo.com [] over a maximum of
30 hops:
1 181 ms 170 ms 160
ms arc-58a.atl2.mindspring.net []
2 170 ms 160 ms 161
ms foundry-23-ve2.atl2.mindspring.net []
3 170 ms 161 ms 160
ms cisco-1-g12-0-0.atl2.mindspring.net []
4 171 ms 160 ms 170
ms h2-0.atlanta1-cr1.bbnplanet.net []
5 170 ms 160 ms 160
ms f1-0.atlanta1-cr2.bbnplanet.net []
6 180 ms 180 ms 181
ms s12-1-1.br1.ATL1.gblx.net []
7 181 ms 180 ms 180
ms pos2-1-155M.cr2.ATL1.gblx.net []
8 230 ms 220 ms 221
ms pos6-0-622M.cr2.SNV.gblx.net []
9 230 ms 221 ms 230
ms pos1-0-2488M.hr8.SNV.gblx.net []
10 231 ms 220 ms 220
ms bas1r-ge3-0-hr8.snv.yahoo.com []
11 230 ms 231 ms 230
ms www2.yahoo.com []
Trace complete.
Did you know that you can override the functionality behind the buttons
generated by Designer in a web page? All you have to do is write a bit
of JavaScript like:
document.forms[0].elements[1].onclick = new Function ("myFunction();")
Did you know that you can use cookies store the page from which users came so that you can provide links back to it? Check page 698 of Oracle 8i Web Development, Bradley D. Brown, Oracle Press.
Did you know that when you see https:// in a URL that means that the web site is using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt the data from end to end?
Did you know that if you need to provide credit card services over the web you can start by check out http://www.CyberCash.com? They have been in the secure Internet credit card business since 1995.
Did you know that the PL/SQL cartridge hits the database twice when
you call a package or procedure? The first time is to check its existence,
the second to execute it. You can force the cartridge to make only one
hit by using a caret sign in front of the package or procedure name in
the URL like so:
This gets you into positional parameter passing in 8i.
Did you know that with 8i you can use Flexible Parameter Passing? You do not have to match you HTML form parameters with the stored procedure parameters. You can use an array of parameters like in C (data type owa.vc_arr). For an example check page 698 of Oracle 8i Web Development, Bradley D. Brown, Oracle Press.
Did you know that you can flush the HTML buffer constructed by commands like htp.p by using owa_util.showpage? This sends everything to the dbms_output buffer and never gets displayed to the browser users.
Did you know that you can customize the login to your web site? You
have to customize the package owa_custom.authorize and choose one of the
four security options provided by OWA_SEC. For an example check page 403
of Oracle 8i Web Development, Bradley D. Brown, Oracle Press.