Deploy to Multiple Languages
TranslationHub is a new subcomponent of Oracle9i Forms. To assist you
in translating your Forms applications to other languages, TranslationHub
keeps a repository of your translations and lets you preview the Forms
while they are being translated. Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services, you can
deploy a Oracle9i Forms application in many different languages with a
single installation.
Debug your Applications Remotely
The usability and functionality of the Forms debugger has been significantly
enhanced. For example, remote, three-tier debugging lets you debug a Forms
application while it is running on the Web. In addition, a Forms developer
can attach the debugger to another user's Forms session and debug on the
screen while the user interacts with the application.
Use XML to Access your Forms Files
In Oracle9i Forms, you can save your Forms module files (.fmb, .mmb,
and .olb files) to XML, which provides a "human-readable" version of your
Forms application, and lets you manipulate the application in XML. XML
representation combined with the use of JDAPI lets you manipulate your
Forms applications in any almost any way to suit your needs and skills.
Control your Development Environment
Oracle9i Forms is integrated with Oracle9i Software Configuration Manager
(SCM) directly in Forms Developer. Oracle9i SCM provides source control
options, such as checkin and checkout capability, versioning, diff and
merge utilities, and impact analysis. With Oracle9i SCM, you can effectively
manage your development environment.
Improved Runtime Functionality
Various runtime improvements are:
Stricter Enforcement of Existing Triggers and Built-ins
With Oracle Forms release 6i and below, you are able to define some triggers at Item and Block level, which make no sense in that context. With Oracle9i Forms, Oracle will enforce the rules regarding these triggers and will not execute them if they exist.
The following five triggers will only be allowed at the Block or Form level, and not at the Item level as is currently possible:
An environment variable FORMS90_REJECT_GO_DISABLED_ITEM is available to reverse this behavior change, if absolutely necessary (simply set the value to FALSE to allow navigation to disabled items). However, this environment variable will be removed in a future version of Forms and the new behavior strictly enforced. Therefore we recommend that you correct any code carrying out this action.
Use of the Database for Module Storage
In Oracle Forms 6i and below you are able to store Forms source files
into the database as an alternative to saving them directly to the filesystem.
You may also be subclassing objects from modules stored in this way. In
Oracle9i Forms the option to store and subclass from modules stored in
this way will be removed. The only available modes of saving your modules
will be directly to the filesystem, or by saving them into source control
using Oracle9i Software Configuration Manager (Oracle9i SCM), using the
Check in and Check out capabilities provided by the Form Builder.
Components due to be removed from the suite
The following sub-components are planned for removal from the Oracle9i
Forms installation: