I have finally won a battle (not the war) with JavaScript date validations. To save you time if you hit the same problem, I though of sharing the code with you.
The requirement was extra simple: when the user enters the effective date, the browser must issue an error message if the date is greater than sysdate. This is a JavaScript job.
In PL/SQL, this is simple:
if eff_date < sysdate then
end if;
In JavaScript.... it's another story. Here's the code:
function EFFECTIVE_DATE_OnChange(ctl) {
// enforce date later than sysdate
var cal = new Array();
cal.JAN = "January";
cal.FEB = "February";
cal.MAR = "March";
cal.APR = "April";
cal.MAY = "May";
cal.JUN = "June";
cal.JUL = "July";
cal.AUG = "August";
cal.SEP = "September";
cal.OCT = "October";
cal.NOV = "November";
cal.DEC = "December";
var sysDate = new Date();
var effDateChar = ctl.value; // P_EFFECTIVE_DATE
// translate date entered by user into JS format
var bufArray = effDateChar.split("-");
var effDateMonth = cal[bufArray[1].toUpperCase()];
var effDateDay = bufArray[0];
var effDateYear = bufArray[2];
var effDateDate = new Date(effDateMonth+" "+ effDateDay
", "+effDateYear+" 23:59:59");
// compare the 2 dates
if (effDateDate < sysDate)
{alert("The effective date must be today's
date or a later date.");
return false;
return true;
The rule is that you have to be extra careful with dates handling in
JavaScript. Pretty soon, you will all need a JavaScript reference book
even more than a PL/SQL book. The one I use is "JavaScript Bible", 3rd
edition, Danny Goodman.
Please send me comments or suggestions: herve@iherve.com
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