Creating a Hierarchical List of Value component in Portal for folders

By Hervé Deschamps, Oracle Corporation.

When programming API based utilities for Portal 3.0.x it is very frequent to need to enable users to pick a folder within any Portal Content Area. One simple solution for this is to create a List of Value component in Portal 3.0. But a folder List of Value is more complex than the average LOV for two reasons. First, we are doing a hierarchical type of LOV. Second, have to dig in the internals of Portal because we need to present a list of Portal folders.

Step 1: The SQL part

The table wwv_corners is owned by the Portal30 schema in the database, unless the person who installed Portal on your server used a different schema. Wwv_corners contains all folder information for all folders defined in Portal, including the internal folders that come with the product. Folders constitute a hierarchy: a folder may contain other folders that in turn may contain others, etc.

There are a few tricks to the table wwv_corners. It also contains content area information. A content area is really a top level folder. All content area folders have their ID set to 1 and the parent folder ID set to 0. Yes, ID is NOT the primary key. All content areas, i.e. top level folder have the same ID in wwv_corners: 1. Try it: run this query:
         select id, title, parentid
         from wwv_corners
         where id =1
The PK is actually composed of three columns: (ID, SiteID, Language).

Incidentally you will find that there is no folder record with ID equal to 0 so you could not have a foreign key from parentid to id. Each content area corresponds to one and only one site referred to by the column siteid. Site information can be found in table wwsbr_sites$.

So if you want to produce a list of values showing folders, you should not hope much from a query like this:
      select id, title, parentid
      from wwv_corners
      where siteid >10  -- only user defined folders
      start with parentid = 0
      connect by parentid = prior id

because there are a number of root folders that have the same id. Instead you must write this:

     select id, title, parentid
      from wwv_corners
      where siteid >10  -- only user defined folders
      start with parentid = 0
      connect by parentid = prior id and
                 siteid   = prior siteid and
                 language = prior language

The operator prior designates the parent record in a hierarchical SQL query. The database first looks for the root level record(s) by applying the 'start with'
clause, then for each of the root record it looks for children records by applying the 'connect by' clause. 'connect by parentid = prior id' is like writing 'where child.parent_id =". Then for each child records the database engine looks for grand children and keeps going down the hierarchy until it gets to the bottom level. There is a good description of this process in the Oracle8i SQL Reference, Chapter: "Expressions, Conditions, and Queries",  under the sub-title: "Hierarchical Queries".

Step 2: The Portal part

If you need a tree looking layout, try this:
      select id, LPAD(title,length(title)+(level-1)*2,'+'), parentid
      from wwv_corners
      where siteid >10  -- only user defined folders
      start with parentid = 0
      connect by parentid = prior id and
                 siteid   = prior siteid and
                 language = prior language

In Portal, to create such an you must first create or edit an application and add a component 'List of Values'. Change the order of the column selected like this:
      select LPAD(title,length(title)+(level-1)*6,'.'), id
      from wwv_corners
      where siteid >10  -- only user defined folders
      start with parentid = 0
      connect by parentid = prior id and
                 siteid   = prior siteid and
                 language = prior language

Set the default format to Popup, et voila. Ready for use in any other component.

The resulting list of value is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Hierarchical List of Value



Hervé Deschamps is a Technical Manager with Oracle Corporation. Over the years he has developed a number of applications using Oracle Development Tools and others.  He has an extensive experience of all phases of the development life cycle. He is also known in the technical community for his article publications centered around best custom development practices and for his user group presentations. You can reach him by e-mail at He also maintains a web site full of articles, scripts, tips and techniques at