Camp Spéléo SCCM New Year 2003, Doubs

28/12/2002: Little warm-up session the evening before the big expedition. Enjoying the Réunion drinks that Didier brought with him. Before the fiesta we have prepared all the gear for a fast start the next morning....

This is a 10 day trip organized by the Spéléo Club of Chilly-Mazarin, a town located about 10 miles from Paris, hence the need to escape ;-)

After a nice meal cooked by Delphine...
...comes the game time.

Our professional photographer, Didier.

Delphine has concocted a very nice little drink based on pineapple with lots of alcohol in there.... Dangerous stuff.
At 22:00 the children are going to bed after a nice little story.
We are at Baume des Crêtes, near Déservillers, Doubs. Didier sets up the first shaft (40 meters).
Delphine and Agnès are watching Didier to make sure that he does a proper job ;-)

It's a shame that we did not have photography strobes to show just how large and beautiful some passages were.

View from the top, just before the first restriction.

Agnès getting through. I am laying on the floor, enjoying the view...
Now, it is Delphine's turn.
Agnès helps Delphine.
Agnès with elegance and ease.

"Mine is longer than yours...". Didier.
Ah! Delphine!  Concretions everywhere.

One of the Stalactites, not the biggest one.
The group is waiting for Didier...
... who as always is working very hard to make our lives easy.
Eating time. We assemble our sandwiches with what we put in our dry  kegs: buttered bread, ham, cheese, salami. Then a little desert: sport bars.

Bertrand (left), Delphine, Anne-Sophie, Eric, Nicolas, Didier.
And we go again.

We are entering the mud zone. From that point I cannot take pictures anymore from the sheer amount of mud everywhere on me. We climb a few passages and then Didier decides that it is not safe to go any further. Fresh mud on the ceiling means frequent flooding...


Last Revised: Dec, 2002.